Post by Harkker on Aug 9, 2013 4:08:31 GMT
Pae-Poe Flutters Back By Oak (recovered by Google)
« on: December 01, 2012, 03:24:16 PM »
*Translated from Halfling*
For many, many moon cycles I would slip as deeply as I could into the shaddows and make the flight from my grove and a few safe paces in the woods to pass over the orphanage in Drakesdale. Some of the children who were near my height have since passed and are resembling full adult humans now. Similarly, there are quite a few new faces. Oh how I long to flutter and play with the kids, but I dare not show myself, for last I knew I was still being hunted.
So it was the past week when I flew by the orphanage. I heard a long unheard voice call out to his Dogfaced henchmen. My long time friend Sir Drake Argente called, an emergency beckoned all within ear-shot to come. I was within range, but could I risk exposure? Well, the good Sir Drake could always discern my location regardless of how deep into shaddow I fled. So I fluttered over the gates and toward the northermost buildings. As I approached the door opened, and I felt welcome to ener within.
* At Count Keylt's ugring she switches to her own crude, child-like form of common. Certainly a good idea in consideration of the fact that she would be once again spending more time among the humans. *
I flutters in to see what the co-motion be. And I sees waiting there not lnlys the good Sir Drape, but wiff him was the some-a-times scarry Pallie-Din Karry-Ann Hunter and a hoo-man bizzerd, I gets him name later. Sir Drape watches Poe as I flutter down and goes to be Halfie lookin'. He also tells me that I is still concealed and hidden frum the other twoos. It been soo long sice I be not concealed, I kinda forgets how to be full visible again, but in a foo minutes I shows up to them.
I is soo glad that Karry-Ann not attack me, though I spotted some shaddow near by for if I have to duck away from sight. He actually be quite nice and tell me he no longer be hunting me, hasn't bee for quite some time neither. I tells him I loosed my shield, you wemember, the pretty yellow-gween one that looks pretty wiff my outfit? Well, him did finds it a while back and keeped it safe for me. Him musta knowed that I be backs for it eventually, and that I is not all that bad of heart.
But I learns I canna just go and strike down hoo-man royalts, even though they am has bad evil helpers. I trys not get into that troubles again, I weally try hard for nows on. I be good as good can be. Mossa the time anyways.
Sir Drape intwo-duces me to bizzerd, him is names Anyndur. A hoo-man bizzerd, though I also hears tell of an Elfie sorckerer also name Anyndur. It be a populusar name I supposes, though not as perty as Pae-Poe name be. The bizzerd look oldish and wisey. Even Sir Drape seem to thinks so, for him do ask bizzerds help on info-mation as we goes along. But I gettin' aheadds of the story...
It weren't long till a Co-Mander of hoo-man soldies come rushes in to building where we was all re-uniting. A pitty, 'cause I like to re-unitey wiff friends when I not sees them for so long. It many moon since I talks wiff Sir Drape, and back then was when he thunk of him not as Sir Drape. Him silly that way, must be the Drakin-ness. But shh, I thinks not many know of that. I sure good Count of the Fey not suprised, you am smart and much knowing any-how.
But as I am saying, a Co-Mander comed rushing in, him have horrid news. Cyle-Opps are ashore on boff Barten Town and DeMont Ports. Co-Mander asks if Karry-Ann and Drape will helps him. I wants be asked too, but Co-Mander am too worried like, I guess that make sense. So I not wait to be asked, I say to Drape that I goes along and help what I can. Bizzerd also go to help, me likes him, even though him a bizzerd. You know why bizzerds scare me, after all that meanie Azrion do to me... This bizzerd remind me of Lady Moona-Dime; I weally miss her, she am one of me fwavo-ites, well after sweet Master Fey-Lose. But I think Master Fey-Lose go back home to him tall girlie fwiend. I too small I guesses, him not think of me like that.
So we goes to Fort of DeMont, near Royal City of Kallie-Men, that is where King's Dumb King be. Insides of Fort (Aww the poor poor trees what hads to give up themselves for to protect peoples of King's Dumb) there am many dead and fallen soldie-errs. I feel quite bads for them, they has bih cuts and smashed skulls and other bones. And around the Forts was big tall giant Cycle-Opps, all in sea blue color. They not attacks when we enter, and I meeted some Cycle-Opps that was nice. So I thinks maybe them comes after attax, and maybe them not mean.
I flys up to big bossie like Cycle-Opp, but stay in sneaky mode. Cycle-Opps I met that was nice could see true and woulds spot me even as best I hide, but these seem different so I tries to be sneaky. Big bossie want a Tribb-Ute, him want take some one of us to go meet Sea King. I thinks, "Sure I go meet Sea King, I like meet all sorts a king, and queen too." So I speaks up and I volen-tears. But big bossie not nice, not nice at all. Him grabs me and say he gonna dwown me. I say I can fly and not want me wingsies to get all soakey wet. But him still make threat. Sir Drape, Karry-Ann and Bizzerd Anynie-durp not like that, so all together we does attax them, and they big, but they fall big too. All of 'em fall. We is good when we needs to be.
After all big Cycle-Opps fall we checks all of ports and docks, make sure-tin that there no more Cycle-Opp. And we finds a sail-or-not. The sail-or-not tell us him know where Cycle-Opps comes from, the Isle-and-of Put-Moes. Him say he take us there if we wants but he too a fear-filled to walk on Isle-and-of. SO on to Put-Moes we go, what we find there am most un-cred-able, but it still true. I not lie, not no more. Just like I not kill Dukies no more, even when them keep bad monster things all around them.
We sails in big boat wiff big sails, it go really fast and soons we arrives at Isles and Putt Moes. Though I still not sure a Putt Moe is, must be something really big cause all we sees on that land was big. First we see big lizzerds, big but not too tough for us. Then we come up on even bigger lizzerds, way a taller that Sirs Drape or Karry-Ann or the bizzerd Anyndur. Hee hee bizzerds and lizzerds... the bizzerd won. But we all helps.
In the distance we sees really big smokey mountain. I not sure what hoomans calls it, but we called them Vulcan-O. Big meannie Cycle-Opp say something about it to Drape and Kerry-Ann and they decides we investigate. I seed some big footie prints but figured they want investigate mountain first. I try to keep wiff Kerry-Ann, you know he kinda flies too? I not knowed that a'fore. I know Sir Drape fly in other form, but not Mister Kerry-Ann, that new to me. Bizzerd not flies so I thinks Sir Drape saty in form and keep wiff bizzerd to keep him company. Hoomans not like to be alonely.
We not fine anything on mountain, so I tells them about footie prints I seed earlier. And we goed to the norff to check them. I flew down and Mister Kerry-Ann flewed aheads of me, but he only fly in little jumps, and I not sees him in flight. Sir Drape tell me not all of 'em can fly. Likle I not can see them not has wingsies. Sheesh. But I waits and we all goes norff. And there am Cycle-Opps...
The meanie Cycle-Opps attax us but them falls to our better fighting. Them may be bigg, but them not too good a fighters. To think, Co-Mander thinked I was Hoo-Man child, hah! I near felled one by myself. But I was unfair advantaged in true Pixie form, just too little for them. Still they were easily felled by the Hoo-Mans and Drape. But even bigger one we finded, the Seeking one what was said to be tightened. I not sure what they mean, but him did look to need to relax, him was must been tighten in him mind.
The tightened Giant was really really big, bigger than any I ever seem before. And nasty mean. Him had a chest way up on mound near him throne, so I fluttered up and had a look-see while him was spouting meanness at the Hoo-Man sized folks. Him had this pretty green stone, see how pretty. It matches my dress, see. And also this yucky wand, I tries to give it to bizzerd or any of the others, but it mussa been so ugly them not wants it either. Maybe Gnomsies like it them buys most any-things.
The Seeking Giant finally got done wiff spouting nastiness and attacked, so I fluttered back down to help in the beating of him. Him was tough, it took many many hits from Sir Drape and Kerry-Ann and much magicks from Anyndur, and I stucked him too, till he did finally fall also. Boy did him make big boom when he felled!
After that we founds a few more Cycle-Opps and felled them too. They not so brave and mean talking wiff out them leader, but still they attacks and falls. Them not learn, huh...
We do finds some Hoo-Mans what was being slaved, and we sets them free while we watches them safely back. I not like the Isle-and Putt-Moe; so I returns back to Low-Marr Land. And woulds you believes it, I hear tells that Lady Moona-Dime in Low-Marr Land agains too. But that another story, maybe after Pie.
Pae-Poe Willowbark wipes the last remnants of fine Fey Blue-Berries Pie from her tiny face and sitting in the company of the good Count Keylt continues to tell her stories ---
As I say, I returned to the King's Dumb of Low-Marr. I never been to High Marr but it must be spectacular! Low-Marr is still very very nice place, for a civil-eyesed place. As I returns I hear from Ramear the Minstrel, that Lady Moona-Dime be seened in the area lately. That make my heart feel swelled. So I goes to Magickie Tower of Sar-Gone, where Sar goes I not know, but him lefted the gates go bad and the big door was goned also. Still, soon Lady Moona comed by like I knew she woulds.
We each says "Hi" for we not sees each others since both us been hunted for my bad act of killing Dukie, twice. But I not kill Dukies no more, me learned lesson. I not thinked Mother be too happy wiff me, but she understands that I was feared-filled of bad nasties the Dukie had worked for him. I thinks he learned lesson too. He no more has nasty Salaads.
Anyway, while Lady Moona-Dime and I was talking we hear a BIG boomer and the whole Land shakes. I was so scareded that I immediately went to my wings and smaller, more natural form. But Moona couldsn't she hads to stay on grounds, I felted bad for her, she hads to shake wiff the land. And way way far off to the souse-ease we boff seed a big nasty looksing plume of yuckie smoke rising. We boff guessed that maybe it from arounds the King's road, near the middles tween Kallie-Men and Fort of War-Worts. So off we fly in that direction. Well I flied, but Moona hads to run. Poor legs has to work so much for Hoo-Mans (Hoo-Womans too) and they has to run on juss two legsies. Remember when I not had my pretty wingsies and hads to run like them. Ouch!
It taked a while for us boff, but soon we was passed Ren-Ren Furd and goed more souse way to Kingsies Road. Gads what we finds tooked us totally by suprised. Nasty water peoples. L and Mentals I think Moona callses them. Wouldn't you know it, they gets us and near immediately tries and drownses us. What am wiff all the drownding monsters in the Land these days? Them muss know I hates being drownded, not that any bodies like it, 'cept fishies.
I thinked we was boff passed out for a bittle, and I not know if it be dreamied or real but I thunk I seed Master Fey-Lose comed to rescue us. Oh hows I misses him. But I thinks it juss a dream 'cause he not there when we wakes. Him probably wiff that lady that his size from him home. Sometimes I wishes I was bigger than just little. But not too oftens. I like being little more. My wingsies not carry me if I was too big.
I beggs your pardon good Count, can I takes a break and have drinks of some milk? I is very much thirstied after that splendid pie.
« on: December 01, 2012, 03:24:16 PM »
*Translated from Halfling*
For many, many moon cycles I would slip as deeply as I could into the shaddows and make the flight from my grove and a few safe paces in the woods to pass over the orphanage in Drakesdale. Some of the children who were near my height have since passed and are resembling full adult humans now. Similarly, there are quite a few new faces. Oh how I long to flutter and play with the kids, but I dare not show myself, for last I knew I was still being hunted.
So it was the past week when I flew by the orphanage. I heard a long unheard voice call out to his Dogfaced henchmen. My long time friend Sir Drake Argente called, an emergency beckoned all within ear-shot to come. I was within range, but could I risk exposure? Well, the good Sir Drake could always discern my location regardless of how deep into shaddow I fled. So I fluttered over the gates and toward the northermost buildings. As I approached the door opened, and I felt welcome to ener within.
* At Count Keylt's ugring she switches to her own crude, child-like form of common. Certainly a good idea in consideration of the fact that she would be once again spending more time among the humans. *
I flutters in to see what the co-motion be. And I sees waiting there not lnlys the good Sir Drape, but wiff him was the some-a-times scarry Pallie-Din Karry-Ann Hunter and a hoo-man bizzerd, I gets him name later. Sir Drape watches Poe as I flutter down and goes to be Halfie lookin'. He also tells me that I is still concealed and hidden frum the other twoos. It been soo long sice I be not concealed, I kinda forgets how to be full visible again, but in a foo minutes I shows up to them.
I is soo glad that Karry-Ann not attack me, though I spotted some shaddow near by for if I have to duck away from sight. He actually be quite nice and tell me he no longer be hunting me, hasn't bee for quite some time neither. I tells him I loosed my shield, you wemember, the pretty yellow-gween one that looks pretty wiff my outfit? Well, him did finds it a while back and keeped it safe for me. Him musta knowed that I be backs for it eventually, and that I is not all that bad of heart.
But I learns I canna just go and strike down hoo-man royalts, even though they am has bad evil helpers. I trys not get into that troubles again, I weally try hard for nows on. I be good as good can be. Mossa the time anyways.
Sir Drape intwo-duces me to bizzerd, him is names Anyndur. A hoo-man bizzerd, though I also hears tell of an Elfie sorckerer also name Anyndur. It be a populusar name I supposes, though not as perty as Pae-Poe name be. The bizzerd look oldish and wisey. Even Sir Drape seem to thinks so, for him do ask bizzerds help on info-mation as we goes along. But I gettin' aheadds of the story...
It weren't long till a Co-Mander of hoo-man soldies come rushes in to building where we was all re-uniting. A pitty, 'cause I like to re-unitey wiff friends when I not sees them for so long. It many moon since I talks wiff Sir Drape, and back then was when he thunk of him not as Sir Drape. Him silly that way, must be the Drakin-ness. But shh, I thinks not many know of that. I sure good Count of the Fey not suprised, you am smart and much knowing any-how.
But as I am saying, a Co-Mander comed rushing in, him have horrid news. Cyle-Opps are ashore on boff Barten Town and DeMont Ports. Co-Mander asks if Karry-Ann and Drape will helps him. I wants be asked too, but Co-Mander am too worried like, I guess that make sense. So I not wait to be asked, I say to Drape that I goes along and help what I can. Bizzerd also go to help, me likes him, even though him a bizzerd. You know why bizzerds scare me, after all that meanie Azrion do to me... This bizzerd remind me of Lady Moona-Dime; I weally miss her, she am one of me fwavo-ites, well after sweet Master Fey-Lose. But I think Master Fey-Lose go back home to him tall girlie fwiend. I too small I guesses, him not think of me like that.
So we goes to Fort of DeMont, near Royal City of Kallie-Men, that is where King's Dumb King be. Insides of Fort (Aww the poor poor trees what hads to give up themselves for to protect peoples of King's Dumb) there am many dead and fallen soldie-errs. I feel quite bads for them, they has bih cuts and smashed skulls and other bones. And around the Forts was big tall giant Cycle-Opps, all in sea blue color. They not attacks when we enter, and I meeted some Cycle-Opps that was nice. So I thinks maybe them comes after attax, and maybe them not mean.
I flys up to big bossie like Cycle-Opp, but stay in sneaky mode. Cycle-Opps I met that was nice could see true and woulds spot me even as best I hide, but these seem different so I tries to be sneaky. Big bossie want a Tribb-Ute, him want take some one of us to go meet Sea King. I thinks, "Sure I go meet Sea King, I like meet all sorts a king, and queen too." So I speaks up and I volen-tears. But big bossie not nice, not nice at all. Him grabs me and say he gonna dwown me. I say I can fly and not want me wingsies to get all soakey wet. But him still make threat. Sir Drape, Karry-Ann and Bizzerd Anynie-durp not like that, so all together we does attax them, and they big, but they fall big too. All of 'em fall. We is good when we needs to be.
After all big Cycle-Opps fall we checks all of ports and docks, make sure-tin that there no more Cycle-Opp. And we finds a sail-or-not. The sail-or-not tell us him know where Cycle-Opps comes from, the Isle-and-of Put-Moes. Him say he take us there if we wants but he too a fear-filled to walk on Isle-and-of. SO on to Put-Moes we go, what we find there am most un-cred-able, but it still true. I not lie, not no more. Just like I not kill Dukies no more, even when them keep bad monster things all around them.
We sails in big boat wiff big sails, it go really fast and soons we arrives at Isles and Putt Moes. Though I still not sure a Putt Moe is, must be something really big cause all we sees on that land was big. First we see big lizzerds, big but not too tough for us. Then we come up on even bigger lizzerds, way a taller that Sirs Drape or Karry-Ann or the bizzerd Anyndur. Hee hee bizzerds and lizzerds... the bizzerd won. But we all helps.
In the distance we sees really big smokey mountain. I not sure what hoomans calls it, but we called them Vulcan-O. Big meannie Cycle-Opp say something about it to Drape and Kerry-Ann and they decides we investigate. I seed some big footie prints but figured they want investigate mountain first. I try to keep wiff Kerry-Ann, you know he kinda flies too? I not knowed that a'fore. I know Sir Drape fly in other form, but not Mister Kerry-Ann, that new to me. Bizzerd not flies so I thinks Sir Drape saty in form and keep wiff bizzerd to keep him company. Hoomans not like to be alonely.
We not fine anything on mountain, so I tells them about footie prints I seed earlier. And we goed to the norff to check them. I flew down and Mister Kerry-Ann flewed aheads of me, but he only fly in little jumps, and I not sees him in flight. Sir Drape tell me not all of 'em can fly. Likle I not can see them not has wingsies. Sheesh. But I waits and we all goes norff. And there am Cycle-Opps...
The meanie Cycle-Opps attax us but them falls to our better fighting. Them may be bigg, but them not too good a fighters. To think, Co-Mander thinked I was Hoo-Man child, hah! I near felled one by myself. But I was unfair advantaged in true Pixie form, just too little for them. Still they were easily felled by the Hoo-Mans and Drape. But even bigger one we finded, the Seeking one what was said to be tightened. I not sure what they mean, but him did look to need to relax, him was must been tighten in him mind.
The tightened Giant was really really big, bigger than any I ever seem before. And nasty mean. Him had a chest way up on mound near him throne, so I fluttered up and had a look-see while him was spouting meanness at the Hoo-Man sized folks. Him had this pretty green stone, see how pretty. It matches my dress, see. And also this yucky wand, I tries to give it to bizzerd or any of the others, but it mussa been so ugly them not wants it either. Maybe Gnomsies like it them buys most any-things.
The Seeking Giant finally got done wiff spouting nastiness and attacked, so I fluttered back down to help in the beating of him. Him was tough, it took many many hits from Sir Drape and Kerry-Ann and much magicks from Anyndur, and I stucked him too, till he did finally fall also. Boy did him make big boom when he felled!
After that we founds a few more Cycle-Opps and felled them too. They not so brave and mean talking wiff out them leader, but still they attacks and falls. Them not learn, huh...
We do finds some Hoo-Mans what was being slaved, and we sets them free while we watches them safely back. I not like the Isle-and Putt-Moe; so I returns back to Low-Marr Land. And woulds you believes it, I hear tells that Lady Moona-Dime in Low-Marr Land agains too. But that another story, maybe after Pie.
Pae-Poe Willowbark wipes the last remnants of fine Fey Blue-Berries Pie from her tiny face and sitting in the company of the good Count Keylt continues to tell her stories ---
As I say, I returned to the King's Dumb of Low-Marr. I never been to High Marr but it must be spectacular! Low-Marr is still very very nice place, for a civil-eyesed place. As I returns I hear from Ramear the Minstrel, that Lady Moona-Dime be seened in the area lately. That make my heart feel swelled. So I goes to Magickie Tower of Sar-Gone, where Sar goes I not know, but him lefted the gates go bad and the big door was goned also. Still, soon Lady Moona comed by like I knew she woulds.
We each says "Hi" for we not sees each others since both us been hunted for my bad act of killing Dukie, twice. But I not kill Dukies no more, me learned lesson. I not thinked Mother be too happy wiff me, but she understands that I was feared-filled of bad nasties the Dukie had worked for him. I thinks he learned lesson too. He no more has nasty Salaads.
Anyway, while Lady Moona-Dime and I was talking we hear a BIG boomer and the whole Land shakes. I was so scareded that I immediately went to my wings and smaller, more natural form. But Moona couldsn't she hads to stay on grounds, I felted bad for her, she hads to shake wiff the land. And way way far off to the souse-ease we boff seed a big nasty looksing plume of yuckie smoke rising. We boff guessed that maybe it from arounds the King's road, near the middles tween Kallie-Men and Fort of War-Worts. So off we fly in that direction. Well I flied, but Moona hads to run. Poor legs has to work so much for Hoo-Mans (Hoo-Womans too) and they has to run on juss two legsies. Remember when I not had my pretty wingsies and hads to run like them. Ouch!
It taked a while for us boff, but soon we was passed Ren-Ren Furd and goed more souse way to Kingsies Road. Gads what we finds tooked us totally by suprised. Nasty water peoples. L and Mentals I think Moona callses them. Wouldn't you know it, they gets us and near immediately tries and drownses us. What am wiff all the drownding monsters in the Land these days? Them muss know I hates being drownded, not that any bodies like it, 'cept fishies.
I thinked we was boff passed out for a bittle, and I not know if it be dreamied or real but I thunk I seed Master Fey-Lose comed to rescue us. Oh hows I misses him. But I thinks it juss a dream 'cause he not there when we wakes. Him probably wiff that lady that his size from him home. Sometimes I wishes I was bigger than just little. But not too oftens. I like being little more. My wingsies not carry me if I was too big.
I beggs your pardon good Count, can I takes a break and have drinks of some milk? I is very much thirstied after that splendid pie.